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Marc Littman – 121 Words

·by 121 Words·On-going Novl duration N/A

Marc Littman – 121 Words

Hot Water

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

Not quite scalding but warm enough to chase the late winter chill. I sank in the hot tub water up to my chin and escaped reality.

A stack of unopened bills lay on the patio table. Why bother opening them? I had no job or money to pay them anyway. The phone kept ringing, but I figured it’s just creditors or scam robo calls. I disconnected the television. I didn’t want to hear grim pandemic updates, and I grew tired of reruns and old movies.

Since my wife and son left to quarantine with her folks, we hardly talked. We had no news to report. Each day tripped blindly into the next. At least I didn’t have to share the water.

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