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At the edge of my life

·by piano black·On-going Novl duration N/A

At the edge of my life

At the edge of my life...

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·bypiano black



And live again...

Making the same mistakes and choosing the same paths...

Down to the deepest of myself I still cannot calculate the feelings...

No acclamation , no reward could ever make me forget the times and what you mean to me...

Every day , I'd choose the road that leads to you.

Even if you're waiting on the other side...

At the edge of my life..."

At the edge of my life...·End of chapter·Please vote
piano black
piano black
Comments · 0
Issra Brahmi
Issra Brahmi7 years ago
Amasing wondrful Thann you i really love your novel
piano black
piano black7 years ago
Thank you for your kind words!!!