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Autumn Jazz

·by Άθαν Κοσκινάς·On-going Novl duration N/A

Autumn Jazz

'Outside It's Sunny, But Inside It's Fall'

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·byΆθαν Κοσκινάς

Outside its sunny

But inside its Fall 

And the leaves are falling, in my mind

Moments of pleasure,

small things that makes a man happy

like a hot cup of coffee

a melody to dream on

and a bar to get lost

this is all I need...

Cause outside its sunny

but inside its Fall 

And the leaves are falling, in my mind 

You know I m most of the times alone 

Around me there 's not a single soul
wish I had someone to call

but nobody 's picking up the phone

so I feel like...

Outside its sunny

but inside its Fall 

and this is the moment when it starts raining , in my soul

No I don't wish for nothing

No I don't hope no more

I just enjoy my hot cup of coffee

watching the clock tick tock

and that's how I decided

life is gonna go

till something exciting comes knocking at my door

So I let it be...

Outside sunny

but inside Fall.

'Outside It's Sunny, But Inside It's Fall'·End of chapter·Please vote
Άθαν Κοσκινάς
Άθαν Κοσκινάς
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