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Argyris Fytakis – 121 Words

·by 121 Words·On-going Novl duration N/A

Argyris Fytakis – 121 Words

No Obstacle

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

Through the window of his small room, little Paul could see the waves climb up the seashore. The sun was high up in the endless blue sky. Next to his pillow there was a plushie of Goofy, his favorite character. Paul closed his eyes sleepily and dreamed of a life by the sea, outside this hospital, his friend by his side.

Although a bit faulty –something about its beats, the doctors said, and would not let him go outside– the child’s heart was brimming with thoughts and emotions.

He held Goofy tight against his body and smiled. No obstacle could stand in the way of their friendship: not the hospital, not the small room and not the machine that started blaring.

No Obstacle·End of chapter·Please vote
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