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Summer collection #5 - 121 Words

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Summer collection #5 - 121 Words

121 Words - Kelli J Gavin

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

I have been tasked with writing a story that contains only 121 words. To be honest, the idea of so few words stresses me out. I can’t even leave a phone message that contains just my phone number. I like to tell stories and I feel confined. I will ask for an increased word count. Chances are it will never be granted. But at least I can ask.

There once was a writer who worried about the details. Character’s names, locations and conversations that would happen. The fear and doubt set in and never left. The writer began to feel that writing was now a chore rather than something that brought joy. It seemed to come easily to other people. Why?

121 Words - Kelli J Gavin·End of chapter·Please vote
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