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Olga Tsimidaki – 121 Words

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Olga Tsimidaki – 121 Words


Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

The alarm clock went off, but she was awake anyway. She had two and a half hours before going to work which should be more than enough for most people but not for her. She grabbed the head rail of the bed and tried to turn her body to be able to get up. Oh, the struggle sitting up. Alright, she made it after only twenty minutes. Now she just had to wait for the legs to communicate with the brain and then the rest of the body would follow.

Must hurry up. It is almost seven. Damn, she needs that job. Just ignore the pain and move.

Head up she walked staggering, drugging her invisible ball and chain with pride.

Chains·End of chapter·Please vote
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