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Ioanna Tzotzi - 121 Words

·by 121 Words·On-going Novl duration N/A

Ioanna Tzotzi - 121 Words

An Evening in the City

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

It was Saturday evening. I had finally gotten used to traveling from the airport to the western districts on a daily basis. I cannot say that I particularly enjoyed wasting my time this way, but it was a sacrifice I had to make in order to keep my job.

That day had a different vibe. My feelings were a mixture of nostalgia, misery and hope, which made the best combination in my opinion. After deciding to spoil myself with a little treat, I headed to a small pizza shop with an extremely aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

I always used to go there on those kind of days, to battle the loneliness of my city life, my lost hopes and my forgotten dreams.

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