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Autumn collection #1 - 121 Words

·by 121 Words·Novl duration 21 mins

Excerpt from the Works of Brother Efthymios - Chris Deliso

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

Efthymios sang from a piano bench on the pre-dawn sidewalk. Stellios awoke and dragged him inside.

“You’re wrong! We were together, drinking all night!”

“Brother,” Stellios sighed, “Uncle Leftheris died fourteen years ago.”

“No! And Leftheris also says, regarding your vision problem, to find that icon in Alexandroupoli, which protected the peasants from blindness, when the sun reflected off their salt marshes.”

“Vision problem?” retorted Stellios. “I’m an Air Force pilot!”

After Efthymios died, Stellios went to resolve his tab and return the piano bench. But the bar-owner confirmed it; Efthymios had somehow fixed their piano; the debt was indeed forgiven…

After becoming blind, Stellios regretted not having asked them about Uncle Leftheris, who now appeared to him clearly in dreams.

Excerpt from the Works of Brother Efthymios - Chris Deliso·End of chapter·Please vote
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