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I could forget everything

·by piano black·On-going Novl duration N/A

I could forget everything

I could forget everything...

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·bypiano black

I could forget everything...

On a day just like the one when you came back to me

When time would stumble...

I'm walking among the faceless in the shadow of the city

Countless sleepless nights pass

And the same old question keeps tormenting me...

"Why everything but my love for you seem useless , vague , colorless...?"

I could forget everything...
On a day just like this , when sorrow felt satisfied...
Oh how much do I curse you , you treacherous time
Taking our youth away and drowning it in an ocean of fleshless dreams and quenched fires far away from home...
On my knees I beg for my fate , sullen , doomed for eternity...

I could forget everything...
On a day just like this , when we will be alone
And I will be elated upon feeling your embrace...

Reaching for you and witnessing the green turning black ,
The laughter becoming mourn , the spring transforming into winter...
I could forget everything...

I could forget everything...·End of chapter·Please vote
piano black
piano black
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