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Autumn collection #3 - 121 Words

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Autumn collection #3 - 121 Words

Moonlight Shadow - E. F. S. Byrne

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

The pale moon cast a gloating shadow through the woods. LittleFoxie ran on enraptured.

Behind, racing to catch up, her boyfriend crushed aside brambles, branches, blinded by the light, the heat of the chase.

LittleFoxie reached an enclosure and fell into a heaving heap, exhausted sleep. A stolen kiss, she rolled up in a ball, dreamed of love, a life together beneath the full moon.

Her boyfriend lost the scent, began screeching in anger. “Will you marry me?” he cried, over and over as daylight crept through the woods.

Hibernation terminated, LittleFoxie stretched, damp grass tickling her cheek. The sun was out. Not a boyfriend in sight. She sighed. Another ex. Sweet dreams were all that ever remained of her nights.

Moonlight Shadow - E. F. S. Byrne·End of chapter·Please vote
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