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Robert Keal – 121 Words

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Robert Keal – 121 Words


Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

They were all sneak tactics: the lethargy, the abstinence, everything.

The sleuths among them found what got our heartstrings plucking - how we cooed and awed as cubs rolled onto their backs, or whenever chunky parents picked their teeth pristine with bamboo shards.

It's funny, no one ever paused to consider the likelihood of menace lurking behind those scavenger smiles.

One day, a unanimous growling rose, then the rampage started, people torn limb from limb.

By the end of the uprising, there was blood everywhere - it would stay on us for the foreseeable forever.

The world's press marked our city's passing with a collage: mauled torsos and slashed faces weeping under the headline "It's What's Black and White and Red All Over".

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