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Ilias Roukouniotis– 121 Words

·by 121 Words·On-going Novl duration N/A

Ilias Roukouniotis– 121 Words

Unforgiving Future

Free chapter·Duration 1 mins·by121 Words

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

"There is no other way to turn the tide. We have to find it and hide it before it's too late."

"I saw it falling somewhere behind these bushes."

There it was, inside a small crater, surrounded by vegetation. Nobody but them would know about this, if the gods were kind. Then a new era would dawn upon their kin, allowing them to breathe for once, after generations of subjugation.

How could something so small and fragile mean so much for the fate of their universe? Another one of those ironies that often flooded her mind. No mistakes were left to be forgiven.

"My worlds, I think it is waking up!"

Unforgiving Future·End of chapter·Please vote
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